워낙 생선을 좋아해서 이번엔 새로운 도전으로 가자미를 사 보았어요. 어릴 때 외할머니께서 종종 구워주시던 바삭하고 고소한 가자미가 떠올라서 기대가 많았습니다. 리뷰들을 보니 사이즈가 좀 작다고 해서 세일가로 두 팩을 사 보았어요. 한 사람에 두 마리씩은 먹어야 할 것 같더라구요. 무엇보다 포장에 한국 동해산 이라고 적힌 것도 믿음직스럽고 포장이 엄청 깔끔하게 진공상태로 냉동인것도 좋았는데, 무엇보다 손질상태가 깔끔해서 참 좋네요.👍 열어서 아무것도 손질할 필요없이 그냥 표면을 스윽 헹구기만 했어요. 원래는 기름을 많이 넣고 튀기듯이 굽는게 좋은데, 저는 좀 자신이 없어서😅 오븐에 넣어 보았어요. 칼집을 좀 내고 후추, 마늘가루,레몬즙을 좀 뿌려주고, 리뷰에 간이 전혀 안 되어있다고 하길래 소금도 넉넉하게 뿌린 후 표면에 기름 뿌려서 375도 정도로 해서 30분 정도 굽고, 브로일로 5분 정도 익혔습니다. 살이 으스러지지 않고 여전히 탱글거리고 (사실 표면 봐 가면서 좀 더 바싹 구웠어도 좋았을 듯 해요.) 남편과 두마리 씩 마파람에 게눈 감추듯 먹어버렸네요.🤣 비린내가 좀 나긴 했는데, 다음번엔 더 바싹 굽거나, 찜으로 한 번 요리해 보려구요.
I really like fish, so this time I bought flounder as a new challenge. I had high expectations because I was reminded of the crispy and savory flounder that my grandmother often grilled when I was young. After reading the reviews, I saw that the size was a bit small, so I bought two packs on sale. I think we should eat two per person. Above all, the fact that it says “from the East Sea of Korea” on the package was trustworthy, and the packaging was very clean and vacuum-frozen, but most of all, the cleanliness was really nice.👍 I opened it and didn’t have to do anything, just rinsed the surface. It’s usually better to fry it with a lot of oil, but I wasn’t very confident 😅, so I put it in the oven. I made some cuts and sprinkled some pepper, garlic powder, and lemon juice. Since the reviews said it wasn’t seasoned at all, I sprinkled a lot of salt, sprinkled oil on the surface, baked it at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes, and then broiled it for about 5 minutes. The meat wasn't falling apart, it was still chewy (actually, judging by the surface, it seems like it would have been better if it had been cooked a little more thoroughly), and my husband and I ate two each in a flash. 🤣 It did have a bit of a fishy smell, but next time I'm going to cook it a little more thoroughly or try steaming it.